ST838 Lonnie Lee - Hits and Memories LIVE

Free Shipping ST838 Lonnie Lee - Hits and Memories LIVE

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ST838 Lonnie Lee - Hits and Memories LIVE.

The 2017 live show recorded without any extra overdubs.. just exactly as it was..mistakes and all ! L-)


1. Make me know it  
2. I forgot to remember
3. Trying to get to you
4. Lawdy Miss Clawdy
5. Are you Lonesome Tonight
6. I Need your love tonight
7. A Fool such as I
8. Too Much
9. Don’t be Cruel
10. Heartbreak Hotel
11. Sitting by the River
12. Defenceless  
13. North West Mail
14. My Limousine   
15. It takes me back
16. Six O'Clock Rock-Walk on by–Send me pillow–Jack to a King
17. Just Married
18. Starlight Starbright
19. The Light of Love
20. CRY !
21. I Got a woman
22. Black Hills of Dakota-Wayward Wind-Cool Water
23. Mona Lisa            
24. Venus            
25. Itsy Bitsy         
26. Only 16       
27. Language of Love-Story of my life
28. Bony Marony
29. King the Road–You’re Reason–North to Alaska
30. Ain't it so
31. I found a new love
32. Yes Indeed I do  
33. My Rockabilly Band

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Australian Music History

These are the songs which created history from the late 50's and early 60's. This was the time when the Australian music industry began and Lonnie was one of its founders.

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  • Views: 8222
  • Brand: Starlite
  • Product Code: ST838
  • Availability: In Stock
9 Product(s) Sold
  • $25.00 & Free Shipping